Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Jacky's paper proposal
Sophie's paper proposal
Monday, December 6, 2010
Since forms of play should proceed in the attitude and mood of play, the play aspect of a moving job is driven solely in the mover’s mind. It could be said that he looks at his work as task time when he’s having fun and as labor time when he’s solely doing his job to make money.
The pace of his play is set according to the size of the place he’s moving materials out of and the amount of materials he has to move. The more time it takes to complete a job, the more points ($) he earns. I say points and not spending money, because he puts his salary into his savings. He saves all his money, only to spend it on necessities (groceries, home and his dog… He rarely buys clothes and makes use of what he already has till it wears out) Having been a mover for seven years now, he will take money out of his savings to go on vacation now and then.
The idea of moving people in and out of homes as the end result is interesting to me. He mentioned to me once that he’s moved a family into a house that he'd previously moved one out of that same week. In that aspect his work could seem meaningless and reflect the game aspect of the real estate market in pre-2006 America. During this period houses were bought, remodeled, and sold for a profit in a matter of months. The movers make profit off people’s whim to move in and out of spaces, by transporting their material goods. A lot of the times customers let movers take what they wish to discard and this is how my friend has gotten all of his furniture.
Through the pattern of my friend’s lifestyle, I noted that not only his work, but his activity at home is predominantly extensive. He chooses to do housework on days he does not have to go to work. This leads me to believe that he looks at his whole day’s activity as tasks (even when he is doing labor work, it is simply task time.) When there is noting laborious to exert his energy on, he likes to do thousand piece puzzles, word and number puzzles, and play scrabble. He also plays DVDs of movies and T.V shows he likes when he idles. If he watches T.V. it is predominantly in the background while he winds down to go to bed and thus, his intake is chiefly extensive.
In my essay I would like to incorporate the theory of task and labor time, as well as of implosive and extensive work to outline his mundane life of play.
Ki Smith paper proposal
As we continue to evolve and move into a new technological and “implosive”
age it is interesting to see what play’s roll has become and were it is headed. Since
the beginning of time both humans and animals have had an instilled urge to play.
Whether it is two puppies wrestling or a group of kids playing tag, it is obvious to
see that we are bore with a desire and need to play. Originally playing usually meant
some sort of physical activity with or against a friend, however as we have evolved
so has are idea of play. Just as humans have evolved tools for work they have also
come up with tools for play. It is also important to notice that as our play tools have
evolved so have the rules of play. We have slowly come to a strange place in play
where we are dominantly using implosive system such as play-stations or x-boxes.
The heavy usage of these types of implosive games begs the question of weather or
not these games are fulfilling our “game quota” or weather merely putting more idle
time into our days.
My paper will be exploring these questions and hoping to seek a conclusive
point on the direction of play.
Emily Carrasco paper proposal
-Emily Carrasco
Final Paper - Courtney
Kevin Kuo Final Paper Idea
Today too many jobs consists of the realms of work and play. They are not necessary tendencies toward one or the other, but sometimes by no means considered to be both. I would here propose my topic regarding these professional players in our daily lives. These people play sports and game like every other normal people do except they get paid for playing. The definition of their "Play Time" becomes extremely blurry, however I would further demonstrate the concept in my paper with research. I will also mention Thomson's task time and leisure in relation to professional players as well as Marcel Duchamp's work avoidance essay.
I would clearly state that the difference between a real work and play is money. Money divides these two subjects into half.
Professional players are trained to play in certain professions. Their works seem to be fun and enjoyable to some people, but they are actually not as easy as people might think. A job can be enjoyable if someone accepts and likes it.
Artists like us are extremely similar to professional players because we do what we enjoy. Here I would mention Marcel's work avoidance into context. It's a very different kind of subject, yet how he translate his leisure into a type of work. In addition to Marcel, Dandy will also be discussed.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Emily Cunningham proposal for Final

Fin al paper proposal Venus
For my final paper I would like to analyze this limbo state we are in as student.
What are the types of student, how are they face with boredom, what come form this state? Are there any benefits if and so are there any differences between the types of students. And what role does student have on the work world.
Danny I hope I’m going in the right direction with this because I have a lot to say on this
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Final Paper Proposal - Sofia G.
Final Paper - Eva Chidester

Paper Proposal-Rani Khamphilavong
I plan to analyze a website that I was obsessed with in middle school, Neopets.com. Neopets is a game website that people create “pets” and take care of them. There are games that players can play to win money or “neopoints”. What began, as a fun site for procrastination became more of a job in the end. I wanted to get the highly desirable “Royal Paint Brush” and developed a plan that I followed to earn almost 2 million “neopoints”. This is the specific part that I want to analyze about Neopets. Players have to work to get the more special or desirable items that the game offers. But since it is marketed as a game, players don’t realize that they are technically working as well as playing.
Some ideas that relate to what I want to analyze about Neopets are McLuhan’s “Games” reading, E.P. Thompson “Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism”, Caillois and Huizinga. There was definitely a sense of task time while playing Neopets, because I would play all the games I needed to earn the quota of 30,000 that I set for myself. I would use the Caillois, Huizinga, and McLuhan readings to explore the play aspect of Neopets.
-Rani Khamphilavong