Fast food is also connected to a western idea, that time= $$. "Drive thu" windows enable the working class to eat as quickly and as cheaply as possible, saving valuable time that would be spent waiting in line or parking their cars- and get back to their work day.
For those who appreciate the ease and "fun" of a McDonald's burger, preparation and cooking time calls for much more from the consumer. The slow food movement requires 10x more time, space, and work.. as well as money. The cook must then make more money to buy the necessary ingredients. McDonald's success hinges on the connection between their food and play, as well as instant gratification and budget-friendly meals. McDonald's has also advertised free WI-FI... work and play can be accomplished simultaneously.

I want to discuss clock time and task time in relation to the drive thru, how efficiency is connected to time=money, clock time. I also want to discuss how the restaurants encourage a sense of leisure, through their "peppy" music choice and play centers.
there is also this (happymeal video game fun website thing)
Eva, this is cool! I also heard the Happy Meal free toy is being illegalized, which is apparently really controversial. Thought that might be of interest to you.